The Y-zone™ is the area of your face with all the expressive features you see when looking at someone; the eyes, upper cheeks and lips. If these areas are sunken or develop deep folds and lines it gives you an aged appearance, a tired look, the impression of being angry or sad. Adding volume and softening these wrinkle lines will restore the Y-zone™ to a youthful appearance. We offer several treatments to enhance and restore a youthful look to the Y-zone.

Youth-Fill™ or Y-Fill™

Your adipocytes (fat) are used to give a natural fill to smooth sunken contours around the eyes, cheeks and lips. Wrinkles are also smoothed to enhance and soften your look. If you have an uneven complexion from rough skin texture, fine lines or scars then a laser treatment might be added to smooth your complexion. If you have sagging cheek and neck skin then a lift along with the Y-Fill™ will add to your overall complete rejuvenation.

What to Expect with Y-Fill

This treatment can restore youthful features specifically where you have lost it over time. During your consultation we want to look at photographs when you were younger, your 20’s-30’s, for a personalized rejuvenation which is different for everyone.

The Y-Fill Treatment

This is typically an office-based procedure which can be performed in an hour or two. Recovery is several days and the results can last years unlike fillers.