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Male Breast Reduction Ocean County NJ

Conveniently located to serve Ocean County and Toms River

Male Breast ReductionGynecomastia Reduction

Despite consistent diet and exercise, some men develop fullness in their breasts that just won’t go away, a condition called gynecomastia. If you are experiencing this problem, you might be a candidate for a male breast reduction, or gynecomastia reduction, in Ocean County, NJ. This is a great way to contour your chest to a more masculine look.

Good Candidates for Gynecomastia Reduction Surgery

Candidates for this procedure have already attempted non-surgical solutions without success. The best patients for male breast reduction surgery are in good health and do not suffer from any conditions that could lead to complications. Realistic expectations are important.

Non-smokers are ideal candidates for gynecomastia reduction. If you are a smoker, then you will need to avoid smoking for several weeks before surgery as well as during post-procedure recovery.

Your Consultation

You will need to meet with Dr. Stephen Small to determine the extent of your excess breast tissue and ensure that you do not have a medical problem contributing to or causing your condition.

During the consultation, you must also answer some questions about your medical history. You will go over any lifestyle factors that may be contributing to gynecomastia, and Dr. Small will perform an examination.

Once it is determined that you are a good candidate for male breast reduction, Dr. Small will go over the details of the surgery, including recovery. Feel free to ask questions since it is important that you fully understand the surgery.

Your Gynecomastia Reduction Surgery

Most procedures take approximately 1-3 hours and are typically completed in a surgical center with some sedation or general anesthesia.

A liposuction technique will be used to remove excess fat that has built up in the chest. If necessary, excess glandular breast tissue and skin will also be removed.

Once the surgery is complete, incisions will be closed with sutures if any breast tissue or skin is removed. Incisions will be covered with surgical dressings to protect against infection.

Gynecomastia Reduction Aftercare

During the recovery period, some minor discomfort, swelling, and bruising can be expected. A post-surgical garment must be worn temporarily, and time off from work will be needed. Avoid putting any kind of pressure on the affected areas; sleeping on your back will be required.

Most patients need about a week to recover from the procedure and can return to work afterward. You can return to the gym and resume full physical activities in about 3-4 weeks.

Schedule Your Ocean County Gynecomastia Reduction Consultation

Contact Ocean Plastic Surgery P.A. and Laser Center today to schedule a consultation and see if male breast reduction is right for you. Arrange your appointment with Dr. Small at one of his offices in either Toms River or Manahawkin.


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Frequently Asked Questions

The cost of gynecomastia reduction surgery depends on the specific techniques used, anesthesia fees, and other factors unique to each patient. The exact price of your procedure can be calculated during your consultation.

The incisions made during gynecomastia surgery are usually small and hidden, such as within the areola or under the armpit. Liposuction only requires several tiny incisions for the cannula. Exact incision patterns and locations are patient-specific and will be discussed with Dr. Small during your first appointment.

The results of a male breast reduction are meant to be permanent when paired with a healthy lifestyle.