Morpheus8 Treatment
Morpheus8 is a device that combines microneedling with radiofrequency technology for remodeling the skin by stimulating neo collagenesis and elastogenesis production. By targeting the deeper layers of the skin the dermis and fat, the building blocks will reorganize, morph or change themselves in a natural anti-aging process. Ocean Plastic Surgery proudly provides the Morpheus8 treatment to help patients in Orange County, NJ, rejuvenate the look and feel of their skin.

What Areas Can Be Treated by Morpheus8?
Areas of the face and body that exhibit wrinkles, discoloration or acne, stretch marks, and crepe skin of the arms and legs will benefit from this treatment. The most commonly treated areas include the face and neck, as well as the abdomen which is beneficial for tightening loose skin.
How Many Morpheus8 Treatments Will I need?
Depending on your Morpheus8 treatment regime you can expect to have between 1-3 sessions. We will perform an initial assessment of your skin and discuss your aesthetic goals to determine the ideal treatment plan for your specific aesthetic needs.
How Quickly Will I See Results?
Visible results can be seen within a few days, but typically after three weeks the most noticeable results appear. Improvements will continue up to 6-8 months after treatment.
What Is the Benefit of Fractionated Energy?
This type of fractionated RF treatment reduces wrinkles and rebuilds collagen, elastin and remodels fat. It is minimally invasive, using a matrix of micro pins to renew deeper layers of the skin with almost no downtime. Patients don’t have to worry about visible
Who Is a Good Candidate for Morpheus8 Treatment?
The benefit of Morpheus8 is that it is a color blind treatment. It can be used on all skin types! The unique properties allow even darker tones to be treated with little risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, which is common with other resurfacing methods. Patients with mild to moderate skin blemishes and signs of aging are good candidates for Morpheus8.
Can Morpheus8 Be Combined With Other Aesthetic Treatments?
Yes, Morpheus8 can be combined with AccuTiteTM and Nanogenesis TM or optimal results.

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When Can I put Make-up On After Morpheus8 Treatment?
Since patient downtime is minimal, makeup can be applied 1 to 2 days after the treatment. Patients should expect to slight redness for up to 1 week depending on treatment settings.
What Kind of Morpheus8 Post Procedure Care Is Required?
Patients should moisturize the treatment area and avoid direct sun exposure. It is also recommended that patients use a good, broad spectrum spf.
Contact Our Office
Ocean Plastic Surgery is dedicated to providing patients in Orange County, NJ, with innovative cosmetic treatments designed to enhance the look and feel of the skin. If you’re interested in learning more about Morpheus8, contact our office to schedule a consultation today.