(732) 255-7155

Spider Vein Treatment in Ocean County, NJ

Conveniently located to serve Ocean County and Toms River

Remove unsightly spider veins and restore the beauty of your legs or face. Often as we get older the skin thins and blood vessels become more prominent on the face. These telangectasias can be distracting to an otherwise beautiful complexion. On the legs spider veins often develop from changes in the skin, hormone fluctuations, child birth or work related activities due to being on your feet all day. Sometimes these spider veins represent the endpoint of a bigger problem such as leakiness of the deeper veins (venous incompetence) in the legs.

Spider Vein and Telangectasia treatments

Long pulse yag laser is a great treatment for the finer vessels. These treatments can be performed in the office on people of any skin color and typically take anywhere from 10-30 minutes depending upon the amount of blood vessels to be treated. Often for best results at least three treatments are necessary.

Recovery from this treatment is straightforward. There is no activity restrictions except in the summer months we recommend you avoid the sun for a month after treatments. You will see your veins gradually disappear in the weeks to months following treatment.

Spider Vein Treatment
Spider Vein Treatment

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Injection Sclerotherapy

This is a great option for patients with spider veins that are slightly larger than what we would recommend with the laser. Often, the laser treatments are combined with the injection sclerotherapy to give you the best outcomes. This treatment is performed with a material ( a sclerosant) which irritates the vein and causes it to collapse. In our office we use ASCLERA which has given us phenomenal results and essentially no discomfort for our patients. These treatments are similarly performed in the office and take about 15-30 minutes.

Recovery from this treatment requires you to minimize activity for about a week and to wear compression stockings for a week as well. To have the best possible results we recommend a series of treatments for this procedure as well.

If you are thinking about spider vein treatment contact us to schedule a complimentary consultation to see what options are best for you.