Say Goodbye to Turkey Neck

It may be months until Thanksgiving, but thanks to loose skin and creases, you can’t get your mind off your “turkey” neck. While the face gets plenty of attention for the signs of aging that often appear long before you are ready, the neck may actually be the area that takes the brunt of the aging process. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your “turkey” neck due to jowling, sagging skin and muscle bands, help is available at Ocean Plastic Surgery.
What Causes Turkey Neck?
Collagen and elastin are two important substances produced by the body that support the underlying skin structure and give skin its smooth, supple appearance. Over time, our bodies produce less collagen and elastin, while exposure to UV rays can break down the collagen and elastin fibers that already exist. The result can be loose, sagging skin, wrinkles and (yes, indeed!) the appearance of turkey neck.
Turkey neck can also be exacerbated by a phenomenon known as “tech neck.” As we spend more and more time looking down at our tablets and devices, neck creases begin to form. Thanks to “tech neck,” people are seeing the beginning signs of the aged appearance in the neck at a much younger age, prompting the need for earlier cosmetic intervention.
Treatment Options
The good news is there are effective, long-lasting treatments to reverse the symptoms of turkey neck and restore youthful vitality to your appearance. A surgical neck lift removes excess skin and tissue, firming the neck area and creating a slimmer facial profile. The procedure also enhance the area around the jawline, including the appearance of a double chin.
About Surgery
A neck lift may be performed with either local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia. It is usually be performed on an outpatient basis and incisions are well hidden so that visible scarring after the surgery is minimal. In some cases, liposuction may be used during the procedure to remove small deposits of fat from the neck and create a smoother line.
Most patients need 1-2 weeks to recovery from a neck lift. Once the procedure is complete, results may last for many years. However, gravity and age will eventually take effect once again and a second procedure may be needed in the future to maintain positive results. A neck lift may be performed alone or in conjunction with other procedures like a facelift, eyelid surgery or a brow lift to enhance the results and ensure proportion to the entire face.
Dr. Stephen Small has performed many neck lifts at his Toms River and Manahawkin offices and is experienced in producing results that are natural and beautiful. To learn more about this procedure, contact Ocean Plastic Surgery at (732) 255-7155.